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Shootaring Canyon Millll

Anfield Energy Plant

One of Three Licensed, Permitted and Constructed Conventional Uranium Mills in the United States

Anfield Energy, Inc.’s acquisition of the Shootaring Canyon Mill from Uranium One in 2015 marks a significant milestone in the company’s presence in the conventional uranium mining sector in the United States.

Located approximately 48 miles (77 kilometers) south of Hanksville, Utah, the Shootaring Canyon Mill is one of three licensed, permitted and constructed conventional uranium mills in the country. Built in 1980, the mill commenced operations in 1982 but had to cease operations due to the depressed price of uranium after approximately 6 months. Despite its relatively short period of operation, the mill produced and sold 27,825 pounds of U3O8.

Preliminary Economic Assessment:

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Shootaring Canyon Millll


  1. Anfield Energy, Inc. acquired the Shootaring Canyon Mill from Uranium One in 2015.

  2. Located approximately 48 miles (77 kilometers) south of Hanksville, Utah.

  3. One of three licensed, permitted and constructed conventional uranium mills in the United States.

  4. Conventional acid-leach facility licensed to process up to 750 tons of ore per day.

  5. Built in 1980; commenced operations in 1982 and operated for approximately 6 months; ceased operations due to depressed price of uranium.

  6. During its period of operation, it produced and sold 27,825 pounds of U3O8.

  7. Surface stockpiles at the facility include an estimate of 370,000 pounds of U3O8 at an average grade of 0.147%.*

*Source: 2016 PEA. The PEA completed for Velvet-Wood has been authored by Douglas L. Beahm, P.E., P.G. Principal Engineer, of BRS Inc., Terence P. (Terry) McNulty, P.E., D. Sc., of T.P. McNulty and Associates Inc. See “Summary of Uranium One Conventional Uranium Asset Transaction” for more information regarding the status of the properties described in this section.

See “Summary of Uranium One Conventional Uranium Asset Transaction” for more information regarding the status of the properties described in this section. Shootaring Canyon Mill Location

Shootaring history


The Shootaring Canyon Mill was licensed and constructed by Plateau Resources and has had a succession of owners including US Energy and Uranium One prior to Anfield’s acquisition. Anfield acquired the mill from Uranium One in 2015, along with other assets including the Velvet-Wood uranium/vanadium project, the Frank M uranium project and the Findlay Tank breccia pipe project. The Shootaring Canyon Mill is one of only three licensed, permitted and constructed conventional uranium mills in the United States. It has the capacity to process up to 1,000 tons per day (tpd) of ore and has a licensed production capacity of 750 tpd and 1.0 million pounds of U3O8 per year.

Although the mill has a brief production history of only six months following its completion in 1982, producing 27.8 thousand pounds of U3O8, it remains in good condition despite its idle state and age. Anfield sees the potential for the mill to become a strategically important asset in the region. The surrounding area has a long history of uranium mining, with numerous uranium/vanadium deposits in close proximity to the mill. Anfield envisions a hub-and-spoke strategy, where the mill serves as a central processing facility for various ore sources in the region.


The Shootaring Canyon Mill has a radioactive source materials license on Standby status which will need to be amended to allow mill operations to resume.

Shootaring permitting


The Shootaring Canyon Mill is located approximately 2 miles west of Utah Highway 276 and approximately 3 miles north of Ticaboo, Utah. By road it is approximately 180 miles from the mill to the Velvet Mine area. Access to the mill is via paved highways with the exception of the 2-mile gravel road from the mill to Highway 276.

Map markers

Ticaboo, Utah